
Interoperability, Social Determinants of Health, AI, and NEMT

Written by Kinetik | Apr 7, 2023 2:09:15 PM

Our team members, Gannon Sedlak and Jill Hericks, had the opportunity to attend ViVE 2023 in Nashville. The conference focused on digital innovation in healthcare and included keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. The event attracted healthcare professionals, researchers, entrepreneurs, and executives looking to learn about the latest developments in healthcare. Our team identified three key trends from the conference:


1. Interoperability will define the future of healthcare.

HIMSS defines interoperability as “the ability of different information systems…to access, exchange, integrate and cooperatively use data in a coordinated manner…to provide timely and seamless portability of information and optimize the health of individuals. Interoperability was a hot topic during the event, as industry leaders recognized the key role a digital transformation would play in advancing the healthcare industry. Connecting with and building new strategic partnerships that allow collaboration and data sharing is the future. The healthcare transportation industry has relied on antiquated systems, and currently, key players are not connected, which has created data silos. Kinetik has built the nation’s first digitally integrated healthcare transportation infrastructure connecting payors, patients, health systems, and transportation providers. Our ecosystem creates interoperability and allows for a seamless delivery of non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services.


2. The importance of impacting social determinants of health.

Health equity was a huge theme at ViVE and one way to work towards attaining it is by solving for social determinants of health (SDoH). According to the World Health Organization, social determinants of health are “non-medical factors that influence health outcomes.” Transportation plays a major role in providing people with access to healthcare services and, ultimately, impacts an individual’s ability to achieve positive health outcomes. Those who cannot easily get to their doctor’s appointments are more likely to miss visits and may not receive the care they need. For those living in rural areas or without access to reliable public transportation, this can be especially difficult. Additionally, transportation costs can increase quickly for those who must pay out-of-pocket for rideshare services or taxis. The industry will get closer to achieving health equity through a wider availability of resources, such as transportation.


3. Privacy is key when using AI Tools.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have revolutionized many industries, including healthcare, but it is essential to prioritize patient privacy when using these tools. AI platforms have had recent issues with security and safety, such as ChatGPT's recent exposure of users' credit card details. This highlights the importance of conducting a critical analysis of use cases for AI and patient data before pursuing any integration with the medical field. Additionally, healthcare providers must use caution when implementing AI tools and consider the ethical implications of their use. For example, AI tools may make decisions that go against patients' wishes or preferences. When implementing technology into healthcare, it’s crucial to find technology that has the proper compliance to ensure that patient data will be safe and secure. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider how AI will be used in healthcare and ensure that patient's rights and autonomy are respected.

ViVE 2023 was a high-energy and informative event that provided a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, learn about the latest digital health advances from industry thought leaders, and explore the full potential of technology in healthcare. Thank you to the partners we connected with, such as the American Hospital Association. We can’t wait for next year!


About Kinetik

Kinetik is a healthcare technology and services company that has built the nation’s first digitally integrated healthcare transportation infrastructure connecting payors, patients, and transportation providers. Our ecosystem creates interoperability and allows for a seamless delivery of non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services including full visibility into the life cycle of each trip, program transparency, improved access to care, and reduction of fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA). Kinetik serves transportation providers, brokers, health plans, and health providers to ensure that every stakeholder in the NEMT workflow is connected.